Thursday, August 18, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part 1 Full Movie Poster... Meh

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So, obviously this isn't a million miles away from the wider version of the poster we saw released at Comic Con 2011 but I remain underwhelmed.

Now, let's not get started on the hair again (or the fact that Bella's dress is woefully non-tailored - Alice would never allow such gaping!) but the whole composition is just so... lacking.

I'm sorry Bill, I have every confidence that Breaking Dawn will be everything we fans want it to be on the big screen, but... I can't help but long for Catherine's original Twilight poster.

As basic as her tools may have been by comparison at the beginning of this franchise, that poster still holds such romance and danger and yearning!

This one just seems to be ticking boxes *sigh* just me?

- Lorabell

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