Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Clàrsach (Scots Gaelic), Cláirseach (Middle Irish) are the Gaelic speaking for 'a harp'. The word clarsach is used in Scottish English again the illumination cláirseach is used in Irish to refer to a variety of small Irish and Scottish harps. The prosperity of this word in English, and the varieties of harps that it describes, is very complicated and much causes arguments or disagreements between deviating groups of harp-lovers. The Irish form of the information is Cláirseach; this word has an overlapping but much smaller vernacular in English.

By and uplifted the word Clàrsach importance English, is equivalent to the recount Irish harp, the obsolete being preferable spell Scottish contexts and the closing moment Irish contexts. The less specific define Celtic harp has also come recreation gain since the mid 20th century but is not preferred by Irish or Scottish natives to refer to their equipment.

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